Alumni Profiles



  • 1973


Joined the NZ Army in 1972 and completed officer training in Waiouru before attending the Officer Cadet School Portsea in 1973. Graduated into the Royal NZ Armoured Corps and underwent postgraduate regimental training in Australia at Puckapunyal. Subsequently held a range of regimental appointments including that of Squadron Commander of Queen Alexandra’s Squadron. Graduate of the Australian Army Command and Staff College Queenscliff 1986.

Held a number of instructional appointments in NZ and overseas. Included the Malaysian Army Combat Training Centre, (PULADA) Kota Tinngi (1978-80), the School of Armour Waiouru and the RNZAF Command and Staff College Auckland.

Completed strategic level appointments in Army HQ in human resource policy, development, project management, training and operations. Overseas appointments have included Military Advisor at the NZ High Commission in Canberra(1992-95) and operational service with the United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM) located in Iraq as the Operations Officer in the Baghdad Monitoring and Verification Centre (1996-97).

Retired from the NZ Army as a Lieutenant Colonel after 29 years in January 2001. Moved to Akaroa and set up a Bed and Breakfast business in a historic 1878 house with a I acre garden including a small vineyard. Sold the business in April 2013 and currently having a working holiday in Ul?Europe until we are ready to come home.

Married to LIz (35 years) one son Jeremy who is a musician based in Melbourne.
